WHY IS THE BASE OF MY TOILET LEAKING? Did you just discover that your toilet's base is leaking? Don't delay! This guide will help you identify the cause and fix it. A toilet that leaks from its base is one of the most dangerous things you can find. Leaking toilets can quickly become a problem, as water could flood your bathroom floor. It is not ideal to continue using the toilet in this unhygienic condition. It's important to fix the problem quickly for a quick resolution. Many people find out about the problem later, or ignore it. Sometimes it can be difficult to explain the leakage to a plumber. This guide will help you understand the issue better. You can even try DIY solutions . Let's get started, so let's not waste any more time. CAUSES OF A LEAKING TAIL BASE Leakage can occur for many reasons. The leak may not be obvious in all cases. People can also mistake accumulated water in bathrooms that have a shower area adjacent to the toilet for a leak. Before you fi...